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Aquaponic System Testing - Test Kit Reviews
- Created by: nwestwood
- Published: 04-17-2011, 06:42 AM
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Aquaponic System Testing - Test Kit Reviews
A mature Aquaponic system generally only needs minor additions of Iron and perhaps Potassium, Magnesium or Calcium. However, variations in the PH of the source water, the quality of the fish feed, PH adjustment method, and media used in your grow beds can all affect the nutrient balance. There are several ways of knowing various levels of the key components of your system. The most complete and accurate is to send a sample of your system water to reputable water quality lab for testing on a regular basis. However, there are many individual testing kits for various elements as well as several complete kits. In this article, I review the usefulness of several such kits. ... -
Greenhouse Plant Pollination
- Created by: nwestwood
- Published: 03-21-2010, 11:12 AM
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Greenhouse Plant Pollination
One challenge of raising flowering-fruiting crops in an enclosed environment is that there are no natural pollinators to assist in pollinating the crops. Without adequate pollination our crop production can be substantially diminished. ... -
Practical pH
- Created by: GoneFish'n
- Published: 06-13-2010, 01:00 AM
Practical pH
There are plenty of sites that explain what pH is (the power or potential of Hydrogen and it’s logarithmic formulation). How it is measured (using test strips [chemical], titration [reaction] or meters [electronic comparison] to measure the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, numerically equal to 7 for neutral solutions, increasing with increasing alkalinity and decreasing with increasing acidity). The pH scale commonly in use ranges from 0 [Acidic] to 14 [alkaline]. Its importance in gardening... -
Aquaponic Fish Quality - Why Purge?
- Created by: nwestwood
- Not Published
Aquaponic Fish Quality - Why Purge?
Off flavor
Practial Application.
- no feed 24 hrs before move
- 3-5 days no feed in clean water
- ammonia removal
- water changes
- salt